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new look

·219 words
Andy Jackson
Andy Jackson
Fighting entropy since 1993
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I’ve been slowly working on a new look for this website and I’ve just switched it on. It’s not finished, and it almost certainly looks foul if you are using Internet Explorer, but it’s getting there. Feedback is welcome, and will be added to the following list…

  • Safari
    • No known issues.
  • Firefox 1.5
    • No known issues.
  • Opera 9
    • No known issues.
  • Firefox 1.0
    • Gaps between transparent elements - e.g. edges of rounded boxes.
  • Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3
    • Does not support the layout mechanism, hacked in a not-very-nice workaround.
  • Internet Explorer 6
    • Overall, urgh.
    • Does not support the layout mechanism, hacked in a not-very-nice workaround.
    • PNGs do not work, and background PNGs will never work. See here for more info…
  • Konqueror (Old version at work - 3.1.3-5.9 Red Hat)
    • Pseudo-tables do not fill up all the vertical space.
    • Transparent PNGs are overlapping. I’m also trying to sort out the navigation system, as it is essentially impossible to find anything on this site without using Google. So, be aware that things might be moving around a bit in the future.

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† Please stop using Internet Explorer - it’s hopelessly outdated. IE 7 looks like it’s going to be reasonably ok, but it’s not the only option. Why not try Firefox? I’ll stop preaching now. ;)