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Web Archives


Building Tools to Archive the Modern Web
Script for a presentation given at the 2016 IIPC GA| ··2029 words
Web Archives
Updating our historical search service
3.5 billion fragments of UK web history.| ··656 words
mining-web-archives Data Mining Web Archives BUDDAH


The provenance of web archives
Why did they archive this, but not that?!| ··1402 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives BUDDAH Data Mining Digital Preservation
Playing at Web Archiving
·247 words
Web Archives Digital Preservation Publications
Ten years of the UK web archive: what have we saved?
··2411 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives Digital Preservation Data Mining Publications
Building a historical search engine is no easy thing
··1212 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives BUDDAH webarchive-discovery Data Mining
Towards a Macroscope for UK Web History
··1926 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives BUDDAH webarchive-discovery Data Mining Publications


Collecting Data To Improve Tools
··402 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives webarchive-discovery Data Mining
What Have We Saved?
··1035 words
mining-web-archives Web Archives Digital Preservation
OPF Blog: User-Driven Digital Preservation
··173 words
Digital Preservation Preservation Actions SCAPE Web Archives